The company for free minders

We want to be a role model for a fairer world with the most innovative lottery experiences.

How we
like to work

Agile working is based on shared values such as transparency, self-organization, commitment and ownership. These methods focus on collaboration at team level. However, we at nextlotto digital invite all employees to actively participate in our retros, learning days and individual training opportunities so that knowledge sharing is not just promoted within the team.
In Idea Fridays, we present exciting ideas that we discuss and develop further together. These talks help us to delve deeper into certain topics, discuss them and gain new insights. Or new colleagues tell us which exciting topics they have worked on in the past and in which area they are the experts. This means that everyone at nextlotto digital is always well informed and enjoys taking the initiative and reporting on their own topic.
We are constantly working on new formats to inform and train every employee. Further training is an important tool, not only for professional but also for personal development. Agile working means that we always have a transparent overview of our project progress and can react flexibly to changes - if plans simply change.

to the people

For over 10 years, we have been the technological digitalization driver of the state lottery in Germany.

Native Apps

native apps
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.


dev ops
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.

Spring Boot in the Cloud

springboot in the cloud
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.

Micro Services

micro services
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.


cross platform
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.

Data driven, user centered

data driven user centered
This is some Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir technologischer Digitalisierungstreiber des digitalen und staatlichen Lottos in Deutschland. text inside of a div block.


nextlotto bietet dir ein modernes, unkompliziertes Arbeitsumfeld mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten zur freien Entfaltung und Entwicklung.

New Work

technology icon
Aktive Mitgestaltung an Unternehmensstrukturen, flache Hierarchien, moderne Prozesse, kompakte und lösungsorientierte Team-Strukturen.

Flexibility und Work Life Balance

technology icon
Vollzeit, Teilzeit, 100% Remote, Digital Nomadism, flexibler Überstunden-Abbau, Working Space am See mit Alpenblick, Dach-Terasse, Grill und Kita in der Nähe. Pass deine Arbeit an dein Leben an und nicht dein Leben an deine Arbeit.


technology icon
Idea Thursdays, Learning Fridays, individuelle Weiterbildung, Retros, Feedback-Talks und Hackathons.

Social & Environment

technology icon
Beteiligung an sozialen Einrichtungen, Suchtpräventions-Arbeit, Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, Ressourcen-schonendes Arbeiten


technology icon
Großzügige Budgets für Fortbildungen zur freien Verfügung, Geldwerte Vorteile, modernste Work-Assets, Mitarbeiter-Beteiligung, Essensgutscheine.

Jobs to
the people…

...who believe that work should adapt to life and not life to work. Who want to help shape the future of national gaming with the latest technologies, state-of-the-art working methods and a feel for trends.
Who have a heart for their fellow human beings, because Lotto finances social institutions nationwide. Who stand up for a fairer and climate-neutral world.

You've come to the right place at Next Lotto.

Hey you!

Do you have questions about us and our work or would you like to get to know us better?
Just send us an e-mail or drop by for a coffee in our workspace.
Say hi